Comprehensive Guide to Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine Error Codes

Comprehensive Guide to Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine Error Codes
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Life without coffee is unimaginable for many of us. A perfect cup of coffee can make or break our day, and the Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine is a popular choice to ensure that perfect brew. However, like all machines, it is not immune to problems. In this article, we will cover the most common error codes and their solutions to keep your coffee flowing.

The Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine is an advanced coffee brewing system that uses concentrated liquid coffee to provide a delicious cup of coffee with minimal effort. With the push of a button, it can brew a variety of coffee drinks, from a simple black coffee to a creamy latte. But what happens when things go wrong?

Understanding Error Codes

Error codes are your coffee machine’s way of telling you that something is amiss. These codes help diagnose issues and make troubleshooting easier. In this section, we’ll help you understand what these codes mean and how to address them.

Common Error Codes and Solutions

Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine Error Codes
Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine Error Codes

Error Code E1: Water Supply Issue

Symptoms: The machine displays “E1” and doesn’t fill with water.

Solution: Check the water supply line for any blockage or kinks. Make sure the water supply valve is open and functioning properly.

Error Code E2: Temperature Sensor Malfunction

Symptoms: The machine displays “E2” and doesn’t heat the water.

Solution: The temperature sensor might be faulty or disconnected. Unplug the machine, let it cool down, and then check the sensor connections. If the issue persists, contact a service technician for a sensor replacement.

Error Code E3: Heating Element Failure

Symptoms: The machine displays “E3” and doesn’t heat the water.

Solution: The heating element may be malfunctioning. Unplug the machine and let it cool down. Contact a service technician for further assistance.

Error Code E4: Pump Malfunction

Symptoms: The machine displays “E4” and doesn’t pump water.

Solution: The pump might be clogged or malfunctioning. Unplug the machine and check for any debris in the pump. If the issue persists, contact a service technician for a pump replacement.

Error Code E5: Overflow Protection Activated

Symptoms: The machine displays “E5” and stops brewing.

Solution: The overflow protection system might have been triggered. Unplug the machine, empty the drip tray, and clean any spills. Plug the machine back in and check if the error code has cleared.

Preventive Maintenance Tips

To minimize the occurrence of these error codes, it’s essential to perform regular preventive maintenance on your Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine. Here are some tips to keep your machine running smoothly:

  1. Clean the machine regularly: Follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions to ensure the machine stays in optimal condition. This includes descaling and cleaning the brewing components.
  2. Replace filters as needed: Water filters help prevent mineral buildup in your machine. Replace filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  3. Check the water supply line: Periodically inspect the water supply line for any kinks, blockages, or leaks. Address any issues immediately to prevent damage to your machine.
  4. Inspect electrical connections: Regularly check the electrical connections for any signs of wear or damage. Unplug the machine before doing any maintenance.
  5. Schedule professional servicing: Regular servicing by a qualified technician can help prevent major issues and prolong the life of your coffee machine.


By understanding the error codes and solutions for the Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine, you can address issues promptly and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee without hassle. Regular preventive maintenance is key to keeping your machine in top shape and avoiding common issues. With proper care, you can expect a long-lasting and reliable performance from your Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I fix the error codes myself?

A1: Some error codes can be resolved by following the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article. However, for more complex issues, it’s best to consult a qualified service technician.

Q2: How often should I clean my Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine?

A2: It’s recommended to clean your machine regularly, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Regular cleaning helps prevent buildup and keeps your machine in optimal condition.

Q3: What should I do if my machine is still under warranty and displays an error code?

A3: If your machine is under warranty, contact the manufacturer or the retailer where you purchased it. They will provide guidance on how to proceed with warranty repairs or replacements.

Q4: Can I use any liquid coffee concentrate with my Folgers Liquid Coffee Machine?

A4: It’s recommended to use Folgers-branded liquid coffee concentrates with your machine. Using other brands may not yield the same taste or quality and could potentially void your warranty.

Q5: How can I prevent mineral buildup in my coffee machine?

A5: Using filtered water and descaling your machine regularly can help prevent mineral buildup. Additionally, replacing water filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations can also help maintain your machine’s performance.

Published by Oliver Jameson

Oliver Jameson is a coffee educator and writer who has dedicated his life to exploring the world of coffee. With a background in coffee roasting and a degree in food science, Oliver brings a scientific approach to the art of coffee brewing.

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