Essential Equipment for Brewing Turkish Coffee

Essential Equipment for Brewing Turkish Coffee
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you’re a coffee lover, you know that there’s nothing quite like a well-brewed cup of coffee. One style of coffee that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years is Turkish coffee. This rich and flavorful coffee is brewed in a unique way, using special equipment that is specific to Turkish coffee. In this article, we’ll go over the essential equipment you’ll need to brew the perfect cup of Turkish coffee.

Introduction to Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a traditional coffee style that originated in Turkey. It’s made by grinding coffee beans into a fine powder, then mixing it with hot water and heating it on a stovetop. This produces a rich and flavorful coffee that is often served with a small piece of Turkish delight.

Turkish coffee is a social experience and is often served to guests in Turkish households. It’s brewed in a unique way, using special equipment that is specific to Turkish coffee. In the next section, we’ll go over the essential equipment you’ll need to make Turkish coffee at home.

Essential Equipment for Brewing Turkish Coffee


The ibrik is a small, copper or brass pot that is used to brew Turkish coffee. It has a long handle and a spout for pouring. The size of the ibrik is important, as it determines how much coffee you can brew at one time. A good size for a beginner is around 4 ounces.

Turkish Coffee Grinder

Turkish coffee requires a very fine grind, much finer than regular coffee. To achieve this, you’ll need a special Turkish coffee grinder. These grinders are designed to produce a very fine powder that is perfect for brewing Turkish coffee.

Coffee Beans

To make Turkish coffee, you’ll need high-quality coffee beans. It’s best to use freshly roasted beans, as they will produce a better-tasting coffee. Look for beans that are labeled as Turkish coffee, or that are suitable for espresso.


Water is an important ingredient in Turkish coffee, so it’s essential to use high-quality water. Filtered or bottled water is best, as it will produce a cleaner-tasting coffee.

Heat Source

Turkish coffee is traditionally brewed on a stovetop, so you’ll need a heat source to heat your ibrik. A gas or electric stovetop works well, but you can also use a camping stove or hot plate.


A long-handled spoon is essential for brewing Turkish coffee. You’ll use it to stir the coffee and sugar together.


Turkish coffee is typically brewed with sugar. You can use regular granulated sugar, or try using demerara sugar for a slightly different flavor.

Serving Cups

Turkish coffee is traditionally served in small, ornate cups. The cups are small to encourage sipping, as Turkish coffee is meant to be enjoyed slowly.

Brewing Turkish Coffee

Now that you have all the essential equipment, it’s time to start brewing your Turkish coffee. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Fill your ibrik with cold water. The amount of water you use will depend on the size of your ibrik, but a good rule of thumb is to fill it about three-quarters of the way full.
  2. Add one teaspoon of finely ground coffee per serving. You can adjust the amount of coffee based on your preference.
  3. Add sugar to taste. You can use as much or as little sugar as you like.
  4. Stir the coffee and sugar together with a long-handled spoon.
  5. Place the ibrik on a stovetop and turn the heat to medium. You’ll want to heat the coffee slowly, so it doesn’t boil over.
  6. As the coffee heats, it will start to foam up. When the foam reaches the top of the ibrik, remove it from the heat and let the foam settle.
  7. Return the ibrik to the heat and repeat the process two more times, until the coffee has a thick foam on top.
  8. Pour the coffee into small serving cups, making sure to leave the foam in the ibrik.
  9. Serve the coffee with a small piece of Turkish delight or a sweet treat.

Brewing Turkish coffee requires some specialized equipment, but the result is a rich and flavorful coffee that is perfect for enjoying with friends and family. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to brew the perfect cup of Turkish coffee in no time.


  1. Is Turkish coffee strong?

Yes, Turkish coffee is known for its strong flavor and caffeine content.

  1. Can I use a regular coffee grinder to grind Turkish coffee?

No, you’ll need a special Turkish coffee grinder that can produce a very fine powder.

  1. What kind of coffee beans are best for Turkish coffee?

Look for beans that are labeled as Turkish coffee, or that are suitable for espresso.

  1. How much sugar should I use in Turkish coffee?

You can use as much or as little sugar as you like, depending on your preference.

  1. Can I use a different type of pot to brew Turkish coffee?

While it’s traditional to use an ibrik, you can use a small, heavy-bottomed pot if you don’t have one.

Published by Oliver Jameson

Oliver Jameson is a coffee educator and writer who has dedicated his life to exploring the world of coffee. With a background in coffee roasting and a degree in food science, Oliver brings a scientific approach to the art of coffee brewing.

2 comments on “Essential Equipment for Brewing Turkish Coffee”

  1. This guide is so helpful! I never knew the importance of having a cezve until now. Thank you for sharing all the essential equipment needed for brewing Turkish coffee.

  2. Thanks for sharing this essential equipment list. As a Turkish coffee enthusiast, I found it very helpful in improving my brewing process.

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