Harrar Coffee Beans: Spicy, High Acidity, Chocolate Aroma

Harrar Coffee Beans
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Coffee has become an essential part of our daily lives. From waking up in the morning to keeping us alert during work hours, coffee is our constant companion. But not all coffees are created equal. Each coffee bean variety has its unique flavor, aroma, and characteristics that set it apart from others. In this article, we will be discussing Harrar coffee beans, a variety known for its spicy, high acidity, and chocolate aroma.

What are Harrar Coffee Beans?

Harrar coffee beans are grown in the Harrar region of Ethiopia, located in the eastern part of the country. The region is known for its high-altitude coffee plantations that produce some of the best coffee beans in the world. Harrar coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee, and they have been grown in the region for over a thousand years.

Flavor Profile of Harrar Coffee Beans

One of the most distinctive features of Harrar coffee beans is their spicy flavor. The coffee has a sharp, wine-like acidity, which is balanced by its earthy and chocolatey aroma. The coffee is also known for its medium to full body, which gives it a smooth and velvety mouthfeel.

The spicy notes in Harrar coffee beans come from the natural process of drying the coffee cherries with their fruit flesh intact. The fruit flesh ferments and leaves a spicy, wine-like flavor in the coffee beans.

High Acidity
The high acidity in Harrar coffee beans is a result of the coffee beans being grown at high altitudes. The high altitude and cool temperatures slow down the coffee bean’s maturation, resulting in a bright and acidic flavor.

Chocolate Aroma
Harrar coffee beans have a distinctive chocolate aroma that is a result of the natural process of drying the coffee cherries in the sun. The sun-drying process caramelizes the coffee beans’ natural sugars, giving them a sweet, chocolatey aroma.

Brewing Harrar Coffee Beans

Harrar coffee beans are best brewed using the pour-over method. The pour-over method allows for the coffee’s delicate flavors to shine through without overpowering them with too much heat or pressure. To brew Harrar coffee beans, follow these steps:

  1. Grind the coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency.
  2. Heat water to 200-205°F.
  3. Wet the filter with hot water and discard the water.
  4. Place the coffee grounds in the filter and pour just enough water to saturate them.
  5. Wait 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom.
  6. Pour the remaining water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion.
  7. Let the coffee drip through the filter.
  8. Enjoy your delicious Harrar coffee!

Harrar Coffee with milk

Where to Buy Harrar Coffee Beans

Harrar coffee beans can be purchased from various online retailers, specialty coffee shops, and local roasters. It is essential to buy fresh coffee beans to experience their unique flavors fully. When buying Harrar coffee beans, look for beans that have been roasted within the last two weeks.

Harrar coffee beans are a unique coffee variety known for their spicy, high acidity, and chocolate aroma. They are grown in the Harrar region of Ethiopia and have been cultivated for over a thousand years. Harrar coffee beans are best brewed using the pour-over method and can be purchased from various online retailers, specialty coffee shops, and local roasters. If you are a coffee enthusiast, Harrar coffee beans are a must-try.

What makes Harrar coffee beans unique?
Harrar coffee beans are unique for their spicy, high acidity, and chocolate aroma, which is a result of the natural process.

How do you brew Harrar coffee beans?
Harrar coffee beans are best brewed using the pour-over method, which allows the delicate flavors to shine through without overpowering them with too much heat or pressure.

Where can I buy Harrar coffee beans?
Harrar coffee beans can be purchased from various online retailers, specialty coffee shops, and local roasters. Look for beans that have been roasted within the last two weeks for the best flavor.

Is Harrar coffee high in caffeine?
Harrar coffee has a moderate caffeine content, similar to other Arabica coffee varieties.

What foods pair well with Harrar coffee?
Harrar coffee pairs well with foods that have bold flavors such as dark chocolate, spicy dishes, and bold cheeses like blue cheese. The coffee’s spicy and chocolatey flavors complement these flavors well.


Published by Oliver Jameson

Oliver Jameson is a coffee educator and writer who has dedicated his life to exploring the world of coffee. With a background in coffee roasting and a degree in food science, Oliver brings a scientific approach to the art of coffee brewing.

6 comments on “Harrar Coffee Beans: Spicy, High Acidity, Chocolate Aroma”

  1. I recently tried Harrar coffee beans and was blown away by their spicy notes, high acidity, and chocolate aroma. It’s the perfect way to start my day and I highly recommend it to any coffee lover out there!

  2. I recently tried Harrar Coffee Beans and was blown away by the spicy notes and high acidity. The chocolate aroma was also a great touch. Highly recommend for coffee enthusiasts who want to try something new and unique.

  3. I tried Harrar coffee beans for the first time and I was blown away by its spicy flavor and high acidity. The chocolate aroma was a pleasant surprise too. Definitely recommend it to any coffee lover out there!

  4. I recently tried Harrar coffee beans and I am blown away by the spicy, high acidity and chocolate aroma. It’s truly a unique and delicious coffee. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for a new flavor to try.

  5. I recently tried Harrar coffee beans and was blown away by the spicy notes and high acidity. The chocolate aroma was just the cherry on top. This coffee is not for the faint of heart, but if you’re a fan of bold and invigorating brews, Harrar is definitely worth trying. Highly recommend!

  6. I recently tried Harrar Coffee Beans and was blown away by the spicy notes and high acidity. The chocolate aroma was also a nice touch. Highly recommend for anyone who loves a bold coffee experience!

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