How to Make Filter Coffee with Hario V60

how to make coffee with hario v60
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Looking to upgrade your coffee game? Check out our guide to brewing the perfect filter coffee with Hario V60. Our tips and tricks will help you make a delicious cup every time.

Introduction to filter coffee and Hario V60

  • Definition of filter coffee
  • Explanation of Hario V60 brewing method
  • Advantages of using Hario V60 for filter coffee
  • Brief history of Hario V60

Equipment needed to make filter coffee with Hario V60

  • Hario V60 dripper
  • Filter papers
  • Coffee grinder
  • Coffee scale
  • Timer
  • Kettle
  • Mug or carafe
  • Optional: gooseneck kettle, thermometer, stirring spoon

Choosing the right coffee beans and grind size

  • Importance of choosing quality coffee beans
  • Best types of coffee beans for Hario V60
  • Grind size for Hario V60 brewing method
  • Importance of consistent grind size

Preparing water and filter

  • Importance of using fresh water
  • Ideal water temperature for Hario V60 brewing
  • Pre-wetting filter paper
  • Preheating Hario V60 dripper and mug/carafe

The Hario V60 brewing process

  • Steps for brewing coffee with Hario V60
  • Coffee-to-water ratio
  • Pouring technique
  • Timing of the pour
  • Blooming process
  • Pouring method for subsequent pours

Pouring technique

  • Importance of pouring technique
  • How to pour in a circular motion
  • How to pour in a spiral motion
  • How to control the water flow

Enjoying your Hario V60 coffee

  • How to serve Hario V60 coffee
  • Tasting notes
  • Pairing suggestions
  • Tips for cleanup

Introduction to filter coffee and Hario V60
Filter coffee is a classic brewing method that produces a clean and flavorful cup of coffee. The Hario V60 brewing method is a popular pour-over method that uses a cone-shaped dripper and paper filter to create a delicious coffee. Hario V60 is loved by coffee enthusiasts for its ability to bring out the nuanced flavors of different coffee beans.

Equipment needed to make filter coffee with Hario V60
To make filter coffee with Hario V60, you will need the following equipment:

Hario V60 dripper: This cone-shaped dripper is the heart of the Hario V60 brewing method. It is available in ceramic, plastic, and glass materials.
Filter papers: Hario V60 filter papers are specifically designed for use with the dripper. They come in different sizes, including 01, 02, and 03.
Coffee grinder: You will need a coffee grinder to grind your coffee beans fresh before brewing. Burr grinders are the preferred choice for Hario V60.
Coffee scale: A coffee scale helps ensure accurate measurements of coffee and water for consistent brewing results.
Timer: A timer will help you keep track of the brewing time for each step.
Kettle: A kettle with a spout is ideal for precise water pouring.
Mug or carafe: You will need a mug or carafe to collect your brewed coffee.
Optional: A gooseneck kettle, thermometer, and stirring spoon can help you achieve more control over the brewing process.

Choosing the right coffee beans and grind size
Choosing the right coffee beans and grind size is essential for brewing delicious coffee with Hario V60. Here are some tips:

  • Quality coffee beans: Choose high-quality coffee beans that are fresh and roasted within the last 2-4 weeks.
  • Types of coffee beans: Hario V60 is versatile and can be used with different types of coffee beans. However, lighter roasts with complex and fruity flavors work particularly well.
  • Grind size: Hario V60 requires a medium-fine to fine grind size. The exact grind size will depend on your coffee beans and personal preference. As a general rule, the grind size should resemble table salt.
Hario v60 Filter Coffee
Hario v60 Filter Coffee

Preparing water and filter
Preparing the water and filter is crucial to achieving the perfect Hario V60 coffee. Follow these steps:

  • Fresh water: Use fresh, cold water. Ideally, the water should be filtered to remove any impurities.
  • Water temperature: The ideal water temperature for Hario V60 coffee is between 195-205°F (90-96°C). Boil the water and let it sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute to reach the optimal temperature.
  • Pre-wetting filter paper: Place the Hario V60 filter paper in the dripper and wet it with hot water. This will help remove any paper taste and warm up the dripper.
  • Preheating Hario V60 dripper and mug/carafe: Pour hot water into the Hario V60 dripper and mug/carafe to preheat them. Discard the water before brewing.

The Hario V60 brewing process
Now it’s time to brew your Hario V60 coffee. Follow these steps:

  • Place the dripper on top of the mug/carafe.
  • Add ground coffee to the filter paper. The coffee-to-water ratio is typically 1:16 (1 gram of coffee for every 16 grams of water).
  • Start the timer and pour a small amount of hot water over the coffee grounds to saturate them. This is called the “bloom.” Let it sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Slowly pour the rest of the hot water over the coffee in a circular motion, starting from the center and moving outward. Pour the water in small increments, making sure not to pour too much water too quickly.
  • Continue pouring until you reach the desired coffee-to-water ratio. The entire process should take around 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove the dripper from the mug/carafe and discard the filter paper and coffee grounds.

Pouring technique
The pouring technique is essential for achieving a delicious Hario V60 coffee. Here are some tips:

  • Circular motion: Pour the water in a circular motion to ensure even saturation of the coffee grounds.
  • Spiral motion: As you pour, move the kettle in a spiral motion, starting from the center and moving outward.
  • Control the water flow: Adjust the speed of the pour to control the water flow. A slow and steady pour will produce a stronger coffee, while a faster pour will produce a lighter coffee.

Enjoying your Hario V60 coffee
Once you have brewed your Hario V60 coffee, it’s time to enjoy it. Here are some tips:

  • Serving: Pour the coffee into a mug or carafe and enjoy it black or with milk and sugar.
  • Tasting notes: Take note of the coffee’s aroma, flavor, and body. Hario V60 is known for producing a clean and crisp coffee with complex and nuanced flavors.
  • Pairing suggestions: Pair your Hario V60 coffee with a sweet pastry or a savory breakfast dish.
  • Tips for cleanup: Discard the used filter paper and coffee grounds. Rinse the Hario V60 dripper and mug/carafe with hot water.
Filter Coffee v60 And Milk
Filter Coffee v60 And Milk

In conclusion, brewing filter coffee with Hario V60 is a simple and rewarding process. By following these steps, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee that showcases the unique flavors of your coffee beans. Experiment with different coffee beans and pour-over techniques to find your perfect cup of Hario V60 coffee.

Even with the best equipment and technique, sometimes things can go wrong. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

Over-extraction: If your coffee tastes bitter, it may be over-extracted. To fix this, adjust your grind size to be coarser, or reduce the brewing time.
Under-extraction: If your coffee tastes sour or weak, it may be under-extracted. To fix this, adjust your grind size to be finer, or increase the brewing time.
Uneven extraction: If the coffee in the center of the filter is lighter than the coffee on the edges, it may be unevenly extracted. To fix this, pour the water in a spiral motion, starting from the center and moving outward.
Choking: If the water is not flowing through the coffee, it may be choked. To fix this, adjust your grind size to be coarser, or reduce the amount of coffee used.
Channeling: If the water is flowing through the coffee too quickly, it may be channeling. To fix this, pour the water more slowly and evenly, or adjust your grind size to be finer.

Published by Oliver Jameson

Oliver Jameson is a coffee educator and writer who has dedicated his life to exploring the world of coffee. With a background in coffee roasting and a degree in food science, Oliver brings a scientific approach to the art of coffee brewing.

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